
Showing posts from April, 2023


  THE CANDLE OF LOVE   Do everything in love. (Corinthians 16:14) As a reminder for our candles of advent series, we’ve covered the different candles the church lights weekly, starting with the first week in December, and leading up to the week of Christmas.  Churches will typically adorn an Advent wreath during December. Four candles decorate the outer edges of the wreath, and one white candle sits in the middle. The church will light one of the candles each week, and on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, will light the candles in the center.  These candles remind us of the attributes of God we use during our anticipation of Christ’s coming: his first coming for Christmas and his long-awaited second coming.  As a summary, these were the past few candles of Advent: The Candle of Hope - Week 1  The Candle of Peace - Week 2 The Candle of Joy - Week 3  In the final week of Advent, churches will light two candles. We’ll discuss the fourth and fifth Advent candles in this article: the candle o


  CHRISTMAS SWEETS   Which sweets are a must for Christmas? Gingerbread, Yule Log, candy canes, figgy pudding, and sugar plums are just a few of the many delicious Christmas sweets. What is the most popular Christmas dessert? No Christmas celebration is complete without Cakes, puddings, and cookies. What are Santa’s favorite snacks? To make Santa happy, offer him a plate of cookies and some flavored milk. 1. Chocolate and Peppermint 2. Sugar Cookies 3. Gingerbread 4. Pecan Pie 5. Cranberry Sauce 6. Bûche de Noël (Yule Log Cake) 7. Rum Cake 8. Santa Cookies 9. Sticky Toffee Pudding 10. Cranberry-Orange Star Bread Here are a few more treats to tickle your taste buds!🤤 Comment your favourite treat down below!


  THE CANDLE OF JOY   “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-12) In our candles of advent series, we’ve analyzed the symbolic importance of the five candles present on or inside the advent wreath, often featured in churches on Sunday. In past weeks, we’ve covered the history of the candles and wreath as well as the candle of peace and the candle of hope.  For this week, we’ll cover the third candle known as the candle of joy. Instead of the previous two weeks of purple or violet candles, this week the color of the candle will be different: it’s pink. As a reminder, three candles are purple, one is pink, and the one in the center is white.  Churches will light one candle a week, starting the first week of December, and will light the wh