
Showing posts from December, 2022


THE CANDLE OF HOPE  I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. (Psalm 130:5)  Most churches will have an advent wreath, holding four candles on the outside, and a candle in the center. Churches will light a new candle each week, leading up to Christmas, and on Christmas or Christmas Eve, light the center candle. Each candle tends to represent something such as hope, joy, etc. Today let's focus on the first candle of advent which was lit on 27th November, 2022 this year.  THE CANDLE OF HOPE Like the prophets in the Old Testament, we hope for a Messiah to save us from the sin in the world (Isaiah 9:6-7). We anticipate our Savior’s arrival. Also known as the “prophecy candle,” this candle assures us we can have hope that God will fulfill the prophecies declared in the Old Testament about Jesus. Hope doesn’t disappoint us (Romans 5:5).  In this day and age, where evil abounds and all seems lost, we can also hope that the prophecies about Jesus’ second arr


 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31) On 27th November, 2022 we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent and lit the candle of Hope. But what does Advent really mean?   What Is Advent Season?   Advent Season is a very special time of year that sometimes gets lost in the bright lights of the Christmas season it precedes. The first day of Advent is the first day of a new Liturgical (or church) calendar and begins a four week period of preparation in anticipation of the nativity of Jesus at Christmas.  The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ’s birth in the world as it is today. It is a time for faith communities and families to remember, through prayer, reflections, special music, and good deeds what the true meaning of Jesus’ birth is.  The Advent season invites us to step away from wh